Hand lettering became a big trend in the 2010’s. Cute, funny, and naughty sayings found themselves plastered all over home decor, t-shirts, and coffee mugs. Wine glassware, unfortunately, did not escape this trend. art casted wine glass with bohemian glass
Hand-lettered wine glasses available through online retailers are often “cheap” wine glasses constructed of lower quality glass or glassware with very thick rims. Sometimes the issue is not the glassware but a low-quality printing or etching on the glass. The saying isn’t funny anymore when a few letters go missing from a printed-on slogan after only a couple washes.
Also, hand-lettering is distracting to some wine lovers. While funny, the lettering can detract from the visual aesthetic of swirling and visually evaluating the wine in the glass. Instead of choosing hand-lettered glasses, we focused on funny shapes and styles of glassware with more timeless appeal.